After studying and researching title
sequences, we were introduced to ‘Livetype’ a software programme developed by Apple; this software is designed to animate various text to compose title sequences. This programme offers a variety of different text, transitions and backgrounds hence when we are editing are final thriller opening, ‘Livetype’ can help us create title sequences without difficulty. The introduction to ‘Livetype’ took approximately 10 minutes and then we had another ten minutes to experiment with the software.
Once you have the text in your wanted place you can press there are different menus such as style menu, here you are able to add shadows, different colours, glow, font and a variety of other things. The effect menu allows you to search in your media browse (the large box on the right with a list of names) here you can experiment with a variety of effects, by finding a name and clicking it, you can press different categories for example ‘motion path’ where your text will be animated beside the names you are shown the duration of the motion; then in the box above will demonstrate that effect, if you want that effect then you press apply which you’ll find at the bottom. Although you can change the text collectively you can also edited individual letters using the same process but clicking on the individual letters.
Backgrounds, you are able to edit by pressing the menus texture/background, by clicking a category here you can experiment with a variety of backgrounds once you’ve found your background you must press apply to track, whenever you add a new effect/background/transition you must go to your timeline at the button to make sure they’re all aligned otherwise it will not work properly.‘Livetype’ is a straight forward way of creating title sequence’s, we must remember whilst adding text to our footage, it must be appropriate for its genre, for example darker colours rather than brighter colours, if the genre is horror. We must understand the connotations of different text types and use it as a device which prepares the audience for the film, and also inform the audience clearly.
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