Typical camera shots!
In 'Memento' we are not introduced to the main character by a close-up of his face, but by a close-up of his hand. This makes you think "who is that?" "what's going to happen?" It's a good way to automatically bring suspense.
After the titles to 'What Lies Beneath', we are introduced to the main character straight away by a close-up of her face. We are immediately drawn to her so we know we have to follow her story throughout the film.
In our thriller opening, we have taken both ideas from 'Memento' and 'What Lies Beneath' to introduce the main character. First we used 'Memento's' idea of a close-up of Ben's hand.
We then had a close-up of Ben's eyes, using the idea of a close-up of the face from 'What Lies Beneath'.
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