Tuesday 26 April 2011

Evaluation - Question 8: Improvements Made From Our Preliminary Task (Part Two)

The video below shows two clips we created, one from our prelim and the other from our final opening, both using close ups. The first clip is a panning shot followed by a close up of the characters face. The panning was hard to control and create smoothly, so we decided not to use many panning shots in our real thriller. The second clip is also a close up of the characters face, but slightly closer so the whole face is not seen, which directs the audience's attention to the characters eyes.
In the first clip, the focus of the camera changes as the shot pans upwards. This was not deliberate, but we thought it looked good so we decided to use that shot when editing the Prelim. As a result of this, when we were filming our real opening, we decided to create a similar change in focus, but this time did it manually by using the focus wheel on the camera, rather than just relying on the auto-focus to change it self. We added this to show the hazy/confused feeling that the character feels as he is just waking up. This is shown in the second half of the video below.

This video shows one shot from our Prelim and one from our final opening. Both are low-angle shots, and supposed to be from the other character's point of view. This kind of shot shows the character's vulnerability by showing the other character's power over them as they are looking down. The first shot (from the prelim) looks boring, as the camera is static, and no effects were added, whereas in the second shot, we added a desaturation filter to take the colour out and a light ray filter to make it look blurry/distorted. Also, the camera is moving/shaking from side to side to show the character's fear.

The third video shows two match cuts from out prelim and final opening. I think that both of these are edited well, and look seamless. The only improvements we made with the final clip is the setting and shot composition, as the character moves from the centre of the screen (taking up all the space) to the standing up shot, where they occupy a much smaller proportion of the frame, showing their surroundings.

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